Amp up your creativity and your sounds with these nine ways to enhance your writing using music. Plato said that ‘music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything,’ while Nietzsche believed that a “life without music is a mistake.” Much like writing, it can transport us to a […]
Enhance Your Curiosity, Creativity and Concentration with This Useful Acupressure Point
This potent acupressure point can instantly enhance your creativity, concentration and bring fresh insight to your writing and creative work, while inducing a serene state of calm. It’s an especially useful point for writers and artists, as it’s beneficial for so many aspects of the creative process. While for those who find meditation tricky, using […]
George Saunders’ Short Animated Documentary on the Art of Storytelling
“A good story is one that says, at many different levels, ‘we’re both human beings, we’re in this crazy situation called life, that we don’t really understand. Can we put our heads together and confer about it a little bit at a very high, non-bullshitty level?’ Then, all kinds of magic can happen.” ~ George Saunders […]
Tom Robbins on Writing and Making a Fool of Yourself
15 Ocean-Inspired Storytelling Tools & Tips
Every writer has days where they feel a little deflated, distracted or depleted of wonder — especially when working on a project as grand as a novel. With short fiction too, it’s natural for this ebb and flow. Although each of us must find our own process, if your writing runs a little dry or you’re feeling uninspired, try these […]
9 Practices to Inspire Your Writing in an Instant
10 Writing Tips by Joyce Carol Oates
Joyce Carol Oates is an acclaimed author of more than forty novels and countless short stories. She won the National Book Award for her novel, Them and has been thrice-nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Here she offers the following writing tips: Write your heart out. The first sentence can be written only after the last sentence has been […]