Doubt can affect every aspect of the creative process, from confidence in your craft to your passion for a project, even thwarting the act itself. Try these acupressure points for easing creative doubt, no matter the medium of your art. As a prequel to the post on overcoming writing doubt, these acupressure points to help alleviate creative doubt, are potent healing tools, bringing […]
Find Your Motivation & Increase Energy with These Ancient Techniques
Find your motivation and boost your energy levels with these ancient tools and techniques. Every writer and artist has days where their drive dips or motivation flags a little, when instead of being filled with creative splendour, they find themselves creatively stuck, unable to express much less motivate that expression. If struggling to find that discipline or drive, attending […]
Return to Presence with the RAIN of Self-Compassion Practice
If you are finding the weight of the world a touch too weighty, and your thoughts are echoing such, if feeling a little displaced, vulnerable, uncertain or insecure, try this potent practice, complete with its easy to remember acronym, to help you return to calm presence. Sharing as part of a new series of humble healing posts for conscious creatives to heal your writing, life and art, for it truly is a potent practice.
Find Clarity & Presence with a Swift Meditation for Busy Creatives
If you’re feeling a little mentally clouded, a touch hazy in the head, and want to liberate yourself from this place, so you can get on with the work — with writing, creating, and making your art — one swift means to clarity and calm is to practice this simple meditation technique each time you feel overwhelmed, stressed-out or in […]
9 Ways to Make Peace with the Inner Critic
No matter if your creative confidence sings from rooftops or hides in the darkest garret, rise above the rantings of your critical voice and make peace with your inner critic with these techniques. Speak Kindly to Yourself “Every time you judge yourself, you hurt yourself,” as Brazilian lyricist and novelist, Paulo Coelho once said, a statement that is true on many levels, and […]
7 Tools to Liberate Yourself From Writing Doubt
Doubt can crush creativity — the drive to keep creating too — because the more you give away your power to doubt, the more ease with which it can slow your process & thwart your creativity. Take back your power with these techniques. When the words don’t flow or we find ourselves unsure of everything on the page, the […]
15 Tools Inspired by Eastern Wisdom to Find Stillness in a Storm Part II
“Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but realise it, than to accept life unquestioningly. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate, or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become asource of beauty, joy, and strength, […]
Enhance Your Curiosity, Creativity and Concentration with This Useful Acupressure Point
This potent acupressure point can instantly enhance your creativity, concentration and bring fresh insight to your writing and creative work, while inducing a serene state of calm. It’s an especially useful point for writers and artists, as it’s beneficial for so many aspects of the creative process. While for those who find meditation tricky, using […]
6 Liberating Ways to Let Go—Skin Shedding—An Essay by Louise Moulin
Delighted to welcome essayist, novelist, lyricist, and poetess, Louise Moulin, with her personal essay, Skin Shedding. When we are born we do not know ourselves. We discover what we are made of on the road. We endure ordeals and roll in blissful fields in a spiritual process of culmination and release, of construction and deconstruction, of metamorphosis […]
When Things Go Wrong—15 Tools Inspired By Eastern Wisdom to Find Stillness in a Storm Part I
During life’s inevitable shifts, these tools & teachings help you find calm in chaos, ground & centre you, giving you a little control in how to respond—in even the trickiest of circumstances. Read Part II for 8 more practices, here. “I feel like an inadequate machine, a machine that breaks down at crucial moments, and grinds to a dreadful halt,” wrote poet, novelist and memoirist, May Sarton in […]