Just a couple of minutes of soothing visualisation can calm you in body and mind, silencing your internal chatter, reduce creative anxiety, and refresh your passion and inspiration too. As our inner voice can be so easily drowned out by our busy world, it makes it all the more essential — for you, and your creativity — to find stillness and connect to your inner being.
Allow stillness to descend by taking a few deep breaths
Exhaling all tension with every out-breath, inhaling calm with each in-breath
Mentally attend to every part of your body, relaxing everything from tip to toe
Let your thoughts to drift like clouds in a grand blue sky

Do not attach yourself to them, simply let them pass by
Let go of any physical stiffness
Let go of all beyond this moment
Simply allow the moment to support you
Just as the earth is supporting you
Let your body relax as it rests gently on the earth.
Keep breathing smoothly, gently, like a child.
Now imagine yourself…
standing under a tropical waterfall
As the water flows over your entire being —
it cleanses you, rejuvenates you,
…visualise it as vividly as you can
See the droplets of water carrying away all your tension…
Let all negative or less-than nourishing thoughts and feelings wash away
and sink deep into the earth
and let them all flow out and away from you
leaving you liberated
and free to create and enjoy your day.

Meditation has profound effects on your creativity. For more meditations, Try the Hunsani Meditation before you sleep or this simple Five-Minute Meditation for Beginners. You may also enjoy: 7 Reasons to Meditate if You Write or Make Art.
[…] are deeply beneficial to the creative soul. The following offering can also can be a soothing meditation, or fused with your meditation practice to still your ‘monkey mind’ and recollect your […]