A. L. Kennedy’s 10 Rules for Writing Fiction These writing tips were gleaned from an interview A. L. Kennedy gave to the Guardian. Writer and performer, Alison Louise “A. L.” Kennedy is the author of 17 books: 6 literary novels, 1 science fiction novel, 7 short story collections, and 3 works of non-fiction. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and […]
Are You an Introverted Intuitive Writer? Why the 2 Most Common Pieces of Writing Advice Probably Won’t Work for You
Delighted to welcome the endlessly inspiring Lauren Sapala, novelist, author of The INFJ Writer & writing coach like no other. If you too are one of the rarest personality types, introverted, sensitive, even feeling a little misplaced in our extroverted world, read on to translate what you may have until now seen as flaws or hindrances to your writing into your […]
Anne Lamott on Perfectionism, People-Pleasing and Shooting for the Moon
8 Tools to Overcome Resistance, Uncertainty and Let Your Writing Flow
When working on your creative projects much like climbing [or cycling] up a mountain, there are times when it feels like you are heading blindly into the mist, unsure of optimum direction and progress. Perhaps you find yourself fluctuating between confidence and uncertainty, or filled with a momentary unease or anxiety about where you and your creative offerings […]