In the great silence of these distances, I am touched by your beautiful anxiety about life, …even more than I was in Paris, where everything echoes and fades away differently because of the excessive noise that makes Things tremble. Here, where I am surrounded by an enormous landscape, which the winds move across as they […]
8 Tips on Finding [and Enhancing] the Optimum Space for Your Creativity
Although the ritual of always working in the same place can provide fertile ground for your routine, when you need to shake-up your inspiration, add a little pep to your process and creative offerings too, shutting yourself away like an author in his garret or artist in her studio isn’t always the ideal thing for your creativity. Where we […]
Poetry | The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry
Henry David Thoreau on Living Deliberately
Poetry | Allen Ginsberg ~ An Eastern Ballad
10 Creative Benefits of Spending Time in Nature
There’s nothing more nourishing than spending time in nature. Nothing that is more nurturing to our spirit and soothing to our soul than being in the natural world. Our creative expression becomes more instinctive when immersed in the stillness of a forest or the invigorating seascape of a beach. Just as creativity is a natural part of […]