Doubt can affect every aspect of the creative process, from confidence in your craft to your passion for a project, even thwarting the act itself. Try these acupressure points for easing creative doubt, no matter the medium of your art. As a prequel to the post on overcoming writing doubt, these acupressure points to help alleviate creative doubt, are potent healing tools, bringing […]
7-Step Process to Align Body, Mind and Soul for Optimum Creativity
Allow your creative conduit to open with ease by using a few ancient healing practices to quieten your inner critic, ground and centre you, refresh your thinking, spark inspiration and refine your focus. Spending a few moments aligning your being before you begin brings clarity to your creativity, so you can create unfettered by distractions or doubt but with gentleness, calm equilibrium, and aplomb. It’s also a perfect practice to do during […]
Ira Glass on the Creative Process
6 Ways to Liberate Your Creativity by Rebalancing Your Being
Underneath the clamour and chatter of our busy world, in the very depths of your being exists your own inner stillness. Yet because the focus is so frequently on the externals, all that exists outside of the self, it can be easy to forget that this inner sanctuary can be accessed whenever you choose. Regularly retreating to […]
Elizabeth Gilbert on Finding Your Elusive Creative Genius
In this talk ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ author, Elizabeth Gilbert, contemplates the impossible things that are expected from artists, authors and geniuses — she shares the interesting idea that, instead of the rare person being a genius, all of us have a genius. It’s amusing, inspiring, insightful, personal and moving talk. “Gilbert is irreverent, hilarious, zestful, courageous, intelligent, and […]