Release Creative Anxiety and Stress with Acupressure Our creative expression is so intrinsically linked to our self-worth that when we create — no matter the medium — it is far from rare for creative souls to become a little anxious about our work. “Anxiety is part of creativity, the need to get something out, the need to be rid […]
8 Tools to Overcome Resistance, Uncertainty and Let Your Writing Flow
When working on your creative projects much like climbing [or cycling] up a mountain, there are times when it feels like you are heading blindly into the mist, unsure of optimum direction and progress. Perhaps you find yourself fluctuating between confidence and uncertainty, or filled with a momentary unease or anxiety about where you and your creative offerings […]
8 Ways to Reignite Your Passion for Writing and Write [Even If You Don’t Feel Like It]
In a brilliant interview in The Paris Review, E. B. White said, “A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.” To allow the seeds of inspiration grow into tiny shoots and push through the soil, like the magnificent miracles they are, you need to metaphorically water them […]
The Tao of Creativity: Taoist Techniques to Help Your Writing and Art
Taoism at its core is about living life with harmony and ease, and with as much joy in the process as possible. Most people have heard of Tai Chi and Chi Kung but there are numerous techniques within the Taoist system that can help both you and your creativity to flourish. The following extended offering […]
8 Ways to Guarantee a Productive Writing Day
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives,” as Annie Dillard so aptly once said. Yet with our days now busier than ever, and demands placed upon us as equally extensive, being able to squeeze as much writing from the limited time we have becomes all the more paramount. Everyone […]