A sequel, or perhaps prequel to: 15 Ways to Fall in Love with Writing [All Over Again] “Why are we reading if not in hope that the writer will magnify and dramatise our days, will illuminate and inspire us with wisdom, courage, and the possibility of meaningfulness, and will press upon our minds the deepest mysteries, so we […]
Poetry | Call Me by My True Names By Thich Nhat Hanh
Poetry | Remember By Joy Harjo
Remember By Joy Harjo Remember the sky that you were born under, know each of the star’s stories. Remember the moon, know who she is. I met her in a bar once in Iowa City. Remember the sun’s birth at dawn, that is the strongest point of time. Remember sundown and the giving away to night. Remember your birth, how your mother struggled to give you form and […]
John Steinbeck’s 6 Tips for the Aspiring Writer
Poetry | The Secret By Denise Levertov
The Secret – by Denise Levertov Two girls discoverthe secret of lifein a sudden line ofpoetry. I who don’t know thesecret wrotethe line. Theytold me (through a third person)they had found itbut not what it wasnot even what line it was. No doubtby now, more than a weeklater, they have forgottenthe secret, the line, the […]
Creative Overwhelm: Slowing Down and Finding Stillness in a Busy World
Finding stillness in our busy world is crucial not only for our ability to live in such a world, physically, and neurologically, but also for our inner landscape. In stillness we are able to reconnect with our centre, our true, authentic self. To silence the endless clamour of our planet of bleeps and busyness, and disconnect from the demands […]
Poetry | Elegy for the Living by Kathryn Simmonds
Elegy for the Living By Kathryn Simmonds We wash up side by side to find each other in the speakable world, and, lulled into sense, inhabit our landscape; the curve of that chair draped with your shirt; my glass of water seeded overnight with air. After this bed there’ll be another, so we’ll roll and […]
Poetry | Fable of the Mermaid and the Drunks by Pablo Neruda
Fable of the Mermaid and the Drunks All those men were there inside, when she came in totally naked. They had been drinking: they began to spit. Newly come from the river, she knew nothing. She was a mermaid who had lost her way. The insults flowed down her gleaming flesh. Obscenities drowned her golden […]
Poetry | Going Home the Longest Way Around by Pat Schneider
Creative Yin and Yang: Making Time for Writing While Riding the Waves of Creativity
Some days nothing we write seems good enough, other days, it’s as if the nine muses themselves have descended onto the page. After one of those magical writing days, we long for them all to be like that, to all be graced with exquisite inspiration and flow but every moment we dedicate to writing, no […]