Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: […]
7 Ways to Embrace Vulnerability and Write Truth
When you create with openness, with a willingness to trust and be vulnerable for your art, your writing is all the more authentic and true because it is uncensored, drawn from the deepest part of yourself — pure feeling articulated on the page — but it can be hard to share our truths, to write without censor, especially when the […]
Creative Confidence: How to Believe in Yourself [and Your Art]
“Self-confidence grows every time you keep a promise to yourself.” —Asha Dornfest Sometimes everything just feels right. You feel confident and relaxed, as if life and your creative projects are all swimming along sweetly. Other times, a fluctuation in your creativity, subtle anxiety or momentary doubt can knock your confidence and lead you to question everything you […]
John Steinbeck’s 6 Tips for the Aspiring Writer
Free-Writing: The Secret of All Successful Writers
Ira Glass on the Creative Process
Henry Miller’s 11 Tips to Writing Well
Writing Advice by Henry Miller These writing tips were originally written by Anaïs Nin’s not-so-secret lover in Henry Miller’s book, On Writing. 1. Work on one thing at a time until finished. 2. Start no more new books, add no more new material to “Black Spring.” 3. Don’t be nervous. Work calmly, joyously, recklessly on whatever is in […]
6 Ways to Liberate Your Creativity by Rebalancing Your Being
Underneath the clamour and chatter of our busy world, in the very depths of your being exists your own inner stillness. Yet because the focus is so frequently on the externals, all that exists outside of the self, it can be easy to forget that this inner sanctuary can be accessed whenever you choose. Regularly retreating to […]
7 Secrets to Unleash Your Creativity Inspired by Eastern Wisdom
Write Like a Warrior When heading into a fight a true warrior is relaxed and flexible, just as you need to be flexible in your approach to writing and creativity. If you enter the creative process filled with tension, lacking in confidence, or with creative anxiety, fear and doubt that fear can translate onto the page, leading your writing […]